Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 1022 Landscape themed products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, type of product and price.

Faller 180460 Flowering Meadow
Noch 34859 Arcade Wall - 396 x 74 mm
Faller 170706 Basalt
Woodland Scenics C1258 Concrete Retaining Wall

LANDSCAPE - New Arrivals

In the past few weeks we received 19 different Landscape products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Woodland Scenics AMIG8823 Bracken Green Moss
Woodland Scenics AMIG8801 Static Grass - Hay - 4mm
Woodland Scenics AMIG8424 Cork Rock - Stone Grey Thin
Woodland Scenics AMIG2185 Quake Crackle - Baked Earth

LANDSCAPE - New Releases

At the moment we have 8 recent and/or upcoming releases listed from Landscape.

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your wishlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail automatically without any obligations.

Gamers Grass GG2-GY Golden Yellow Tuftst 2mm
Gamers Grass GG2-MO Moss Tufts 2mm
Gamers Grass GG2-BEI Beige Tufts 2mm
Gamers Grass GG2-BUR Burned Tufts 2mm


Busch 1068 Nature Trail
Noch 21640 Birch Tree
Heller 81255 Diorama Desert
AMMO by Mig AMIG8801 Static Grass - Hay - 4mm


Noch 21760 Oak 150 mm.
AMMO by Mig AMIG8800 Static Grass - Hay - 2mm
AMMO by Mig AMIG8844 CREATE CORK Thick Grain (4mm) x 2
Busch 6142 Pine Trees x 2


AMMO by Mig AMIG8845 CREATE CORK Thick (5mm) x 2
Gamers Grass GG2-DMs Grass Tufts Dark Moss 2mm
Woodland Scenics T1342 Fine Turf Earth Shaker
Busch 7101 Cork Rind and Lichen