Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

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Army Painter

Our catalogue contains 663 Army Painter products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Army Painter products at least once a month.

The first Army Painter products arrived in the Mini-Kiwiland Shop in June 2021.

The Army Painter is a Danish hobby supply company that produces paints, basing supplies, brushes, and tools for painting models.

Army Painter WP1119 Warpaints - Wolf Grey
Army Painter WP3106 Warpaints Fanatic - Sacred Scarlet
Army Painter BR7016 Hobby - Super Detail
Army Painter WP3189 Warpaints Fanatic - Bright Gold

Army Painter - Special Offers:

Army Painter WP1115 Warpaints - Ultramarine Blue
Army Painter WP1485 Warpaints - Zephyr Pink
Army Painter WP1425 Warpaints - Dark Stone
Army Painter WP1491 Warpaints - Evil Chrome

Army Painter - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 21 different Army Painter products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Army Painter WP3216 Warpaints Fanatic - Wash Medium
Army Painter WP3213 Warpaints Fanatic - Magenta Tone Wash
Army Painter WP3206 Warpaints Fanatic - Red Tone Wash
Army Painter WP3195 Warpaints Fanatic - Death Metal

Army Painter - New Releases:

At the moment we have 218 recent and/or upcoming releases listed from Army Painter.

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your watchlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

Army Painter WP3022 Warpaints Fanatic - Alpha Blue
Army Painter WP3135 Warpaints Fanatic - Warlock Magenta
Army Painter WP3014 Warpaints Fanatic - Thunderous Blue
Army Painter WP3024 Warpaints Fanatic - Augur Blue

Army Painter - By Type of Product:

Army Painter WP2059 Speedpaint - Maize Yellow
Army Painter AW1482 Warpaints Air - Tainted Gold
Army Painter AW1506 Warpaints Air Fluorescent - Hot Pink
Army Painter WP3061 Warpaints Fanatic - Evergreen Fog

Army Painter - By Theme:

Army Painter BF4112 Basing: Snow
Army Painter BF4221 Battlefields: Swamp Tuft
Army Painter BF4117 Battlefield Rocks
Army Painter BF4118 Battlefield Razorwire