Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

B-T Models

Our catalogue contains 72 B-T Models products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of B-T Models products at least every 4 months.

B-T Models DB11 Karrier Bantam
B-T Models D83 AEC Mammoth Major with Trailer
B-T Models L09 Folded Wagon Sheets
B-T Models DA75 Leyland Terrier

B-T Models - By Scale:

B-T Models products were only produced in OO Scale (1:76) and N Scale (1:148).

The British N scale (1:148) is categorized in the more common 1:160 N scale on this website:

B-T Models DA45 Leyland FG
B-T Models DA80 Leyland Terrier
B-T Models B016A Leyland Leopard
B-T Models N007 Karrier Bantam Artic

B-T Models - By Type of Product:

B-T Models DA55 Foden DG Van
B-T Models DB05 Leyland Octopus
B-T Models DB04 Leyland FG Van British Rail
B-T Models DA75 Leyland Terrier

B-T Models - By Theme:

B-T Models DA65 Leyland Hippo Flat and Trailer
B-T Models L08 Paving Slabs on Pallets
B-T Models N029 Commer Low Loader
B-T Models B114B Bristol Lodekka LD6G