Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 946 Busch products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Busch products at least once a month.

The company Busch was founded in 1955 by the family Busch in Mannheim. The purpose of the company was initially the manufacture and trade in pyrotechnic articles (firecrackers). The family Busch left the company in 1975. The family Vallen took over completely.

The BUSCH car models and the largest part of the model-making program are produced today in their own branch in Schonheide (Erzgebirge, Saxony). In addition to its own tool making, plastic injection foundry, printing since 2008 there is also a modern laser-cut department.

Busch 5402 Office Set with LED
Busch 5429 Food Truck with Light
Busch 9724 Warehouse
Busch 1583 Animal Cage

Busch - Special Offers:

Busch 47689 Chevrolet Caprice Alabama
Busch 48293 Chevrolet Pick-up
Busch 47692 Chevrolet Caprice
Busch 51701 Nagetusch Caravan

Busch - By Scale:

Busch 7197 Road Markings
Busch 1206 Tulips x 120
Busch 60271 MInikit - Mercedes MK 1224
Busch 1270 Thujas

Busch - By Type of Product:

Busch 7842 Barrel Cart
Busch 7752 Dumpsters x 4
Busch 9722 Wooden Hotel
Busch 52500 Ford Transit Custom

Busch - By Theme:

Busch 8138 Town Street
Busch 7980 Wedding Tradition
Busch 59962 Trailer
Busch 7833 Scooter Wash