Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 51 Duncan Rhoades products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Duncan Rhoades products at least once a month.

The first shipment with Duncan Rhoades products arrived in the Mini-Kiwiland Shop in February 2025.

Duncan Rhoades 10128 Two Thin Coats - Flak Gun Yellow
Duncan Rhoades 10153 Two Thin Coats - Decadent Purple
Duncan Rhoades 10141 Two Thin Coats - Mythic Turquoise
Duncan Rhoades 10147 Two Thin Coats - Frost Blue

DUNCAN RHOADES - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 39 different Duncan Rhoades products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Duncan Rhoades 10169 Two Thin Coats - Ancient Gold
Duncan Rhoades 10171 Two Thin Coats - Chaos Bronze
Duncan Rhoades 10173 Two Thin Coats - Heirloom Gold
Duncan Rhoades 10123 Two Thin Coats - Centurion Red

DUNCAN RHOADES - By Type of Product:

Duncan Rhoades 10163 Two Thin Coats - Scarab Red
Duncan Rhoades 10136 Two Thin Coats - Contagion Green
Duncan Rhoades 10165 Two Thin Coats - Enchantment Blue
Duncan Rhoades 10159 Two Thin Coats - Solar Flare