Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 145 Eduard products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Eduard products at least every 4 months.

First shipment with Eduard products arrived in the Mini-Kiwiland Shop in August 2023.

Eduard 7463 Fw 190A-8 Standard Wings
Eduard 8203 Messerschmitt Bf 110E
Eduard 11143 Spitfire Story - The Few
Eduard 84177 MiG-21MF

Eduard - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 4 different Eduard products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Eduard 2146 Marauder
Eduard 11182 Freedom Tiger F-5E
Eduard 84177 MiG-21MF
Eduard 84180 MiG-21SMT

Eduard - By Scale:

Eduard 7472 Avia S-199 ERLA Canopy
Eduard 11158 Zero! Zero! Zero! - Dual Combo
Eduard 8284 Spitfire Mk. VIII
Eduard 84196 Bf 109E-4

Eduard - By Type of Product:

Eduard 7466 Spitfire Mk. IXc
Eduard 11164 The Ultimate Tempest
Eduard 82204 FM-1 Wildcat
Eduard 82205 FM-2 Wildcat

Eduard - By Theme:

Eduard 82173 Sopwith 2F.1 Camel
Eduard 82172 Sopwith F.1 Camel
Eduard 8092 P-400
Eduard 7406 Albatros D. V