Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Gamers Grass

Our catalogue contains 154 Gamers Grass products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Gamers Grass products at least once a month.

The first shipment with Gamers Grass products arrived in the Mini-Kiwiland Shop in June 2021.

Gamers Grass is based in Portugal
They offer a wide variety of grass tufts in several colours, blends, shapes and sizes.
Gamers Grass also released a variety of resin bases for wargame figures. Oval and round, unpainted as well as 'battle ready', Themes include Urban Warfare, Badlands, Highland, Winter, Arid Steppe and Temple.

Gamers Grass GG2-BEI Beige Tufts 2mm
Gamers Grass GGB-SPR25 Spaceship Bases 25mm x 10
Gamers Grass GGLP-GB Bracken
Gamers Grass GGB-ASO105 Arid Steppe Base 105mm

Gamers Grass - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 9 different Gamers Grass products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Gamers Grass GGTT-NE Tiny Tufts Alien Neon 2mm
Gamers Grass GGTT-BE Tiny Tufts Beige 2mm
Gamers Grass GGSET-WF Wild Flowers Set 6mm
Gamers Grass GGBB-SCO Basing Bits - Spaceship Corridor

Gamers Grass - By Scale:

The grass tufts can be used for a wide range of scales. The resin bases are usually used for 28mm scale figures:

Gamers Grass GGB-TR100 Temple Base Round 100mm
Gamers Grass GGB-UWR32 Urban Warfare Bases Round 32mm x 8
Gamers Grass GGB-UWO75 Urban Warfare Bases Oval 75mm
Gamers Grass GGB-UWR100 Urban Warfare Base Round 100mm x 1

Gamers Grass - By Type of Product:

Gamers Grass GGS-DG Dark Green Shrub 6mm
Gamers Grass GG4-SW Swamp 4mm Tufts Wild
Gamers Grass GGB-NCDR40 Nomad Crew Deck Bases 40mm x 4
Gamers Grass GGB-SOR40 Svalarheima’s Outpost Bases 40mm x 4

Gamers Grass - By Theme:

Gamers Grass GGRB-RFR100 Rocky Fields, Round 100mm x 1
Gamers Grass GGB-UWR100 Urban Warfare Base Round 100mm x 1
Gamers Grass GGLP-ALF Alien Fern
Gamers Grass GG12-W Winter Tufts XL 12mm