Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 373 HaT products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of HaT products at least every 6 months.

From January 2021, the Mini-Kiwiland Shop stocks all HaT 1:72 figure sets. Sold out sets are automatically re-ordered.

HäT is a manufacturer of military figures. From the antiquity to the wars of modern times. Precisely researched and reproduced accurately in every detail.

Figures to paint, collect and play with!

HäT Industry was established in 1995. The figures are designed by collectors for collectors.

In particular 6 main themes are covered:
- The Battles of Alexander the Great
- Hannibal and the Punic Wars
- The Imperialistic Rome
- The Napoleonic Wars
- World War 1
- World War 2

HaT 8094 Ottoman Artillery
HaT 8173 76mm Putilov M1902 Gun x 4
HaT 28001 Spanish Infantry x 32
HaT 8049 Alexander's Allied Cavalry x 12

HaT - By Scale:

Currently HaT has products in three different scales in its catalogue: 1:72, 1:32 and 28 mm (1:56). The focus is mainly on the 1:72 scale. No new products have been added to the other two scales (1:32 and 28 mm) in recent years.

HaT still releases new 1:72 scale products every year.

HaT 28017 French Chasseurs Command
HaT 8281 7YW Prussian Infantry Action
HaT 8334 Hungarian Infantry - Marching
HaT 8333 American Civil War Sampler

HaT - By Type of Product:

HaT 9019 Spanish Infantry x 16
HaT 8100 Roman Infantry x 48
HaT 8133 Gothic Army
HaT 8084 1806 Prussian Fusiliers x 48

HaT - By Theme:

HaT 8205 Sassanid Levy Infantry
HaT 8081 Austrian Heavy Weapons Set
HaT 8185 Macedonian Hypaspist x 48
HaT 8122 Serbian Infantry