Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Hachette Collections

Our catalogue contains 192 Hachette Collections products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Hachette Collections products at least every 4 months.

Hachette Collections is a major player in the publishing of serial cultural products. The French company was founded in 1995 and present in more than 30 countries (Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia…).

They offer a wide variety of series allowing you to build up, step by step, a complete collection on a specific theme; comics, comics, manga, pop-culture, children's collections, creative hobbies, fine arts, history, automobiles, aviation, model making etc.

Hachette PL06 Subaru Impreza S9 WRC 2003
Hachette DL03 Om 35/40 R 1952
Hachette HL55 IFA RS 02/22 Brockenhexe 1952
Hachette MU02 MIG-29SMT Fulcrum

Hachette Collections - Special Offers:

Hachette MR082 T-30A Tractor 1972
Hachette HL33 Primus P 22 Tractor 1949
Hachette HL06 Deutz D8005A 1966
Hachette MR124 T-25A Tractor

Hachette Collections - By Scale:

Hachette HL05 Fendt Dieselross F15 H6 1956
Hachette HL11 Lanz Heereszugmachine 1916
Hachette MR091 Ursus C-330 Tractor 1967
Hachette MR073 Holt USA 1914

Hachette Collections - By Type of Product:

Hachette HL65 Allgaier A111 1941
Hachette HL40 Lanz 15/30 1931
Hachette MR086 TZ 4K-14 Tractor 1970
Hachette MR008 Fordson F Putilovets 1924

Hachette Collections - By Theme:

Hachette ACBUS061 Renault R 4192 - France 1952
Hachette ACBUS067 Brossel BL55 Valenciennes - France 1966
Hachette HL43 Fahr D 177 1958
Hachette HL79 MAN AS 250 1939