Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Hachette Collections

Our catalogue contains 192 Hachette Collections products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Hachette Collections products at least every 4 months.

Hachette Collections is a major player in the publishing of serial cultural products. The French company was founded in 1995 and present in more than 30 countries (Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Poland, United Kingdom, Russia…).

They offer a wide variety of series allowing you to build up, step by step, a complete collection on a specific theme; comics, comics, manga, pop-culture, children's collections, creative hobbies, fine arts, history, automobiles, aviation, model making etc.

Hachette HL73 Hanomag R45 A-E 1951
Hachette ACBUS065 Mercedes Benz 0 305 - Germany 1979
Hachette ACBUS053 Chausson ANG - France 1956
Hachette HL37 MAN 4 L1 1960

Hachette Collections - Special Offers:

Hachette MR086 TZ 4K-14 Tractor 1970
Hachette MR124 T-25A Tractor
Hachette MR014 SHTZ 15/30 1930
Hachette HL38 Deutz F2L 612/6 1956

Hachette Collections - By Scale:

Hachette HL08 Hanomag Robust 900 A 1970
Hachette HL04 Eicher ED25II 1951
Hachette MR135 ASHTZ-NATI - Altai -1942
Hachette HL90 Eicher EM 300 Konigstiger 1960

Hachette Collections - By Type of Product:

Hachette ACBUS036 Brossel A92 DARL France 1962-68
Hachette NP05 Opel Diplomat 1965
Hachette PD021 Neoplan NH22 Skyliner 1983
Hachette ACBUS033 Bedford Rockett TJ Pakistan 1980

Hachette Collections - By Theme:

Hachette HL40 Lanz 15/30 1931
Hachette HL82 Eicher Wotan II 1970
Hachette HL89 Guldner Multitrac 1957
Hachette NB26 Citroen Jumpy 1995