Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

IBG Models

Our catalogue contains 99 IBG Models products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of IBG Models products at least every 4 months.

The first shipment with IBG Models kits arrived in May 2023.

IBG (International Business Group) Models is based in Warsaw, Poland. Their kits are made in Poland.

IBG Models 72049 44M Turan III – Hungarian Tank
IBG Models 72508 PZL 23 Karas II
IBG Models 72511 PZL 37A Los - Polish Bomber
IBG Models 72504 RWD-8 PWS

IBG Models - By Scale:

IBG Models produces military vehicle kits (1:35 and 1:72 scale), aircraft kits (1:32 and 1:72 scale) and ship kits in 1:700 scale:

IBG Models 35001 BMW R12 with Sidecar
IBG Models 72047 40M Turan I – Hungarian Tank
IBG Models 35017 Bedford QLR Wireless
IBG Models 72031 Otter Light Reconnaissance Car

IBG Models - By Type of Product:

IBG Models 72528 September Sky 1939
IBG Models 72043 Type 94 Japanese Tankette
IBG Models 72040 Type 89 Japanese Tank
IBG Models 70001 ORP Slazak 1943

IBG Models - By Theme:

IBG Models 72116 Chevrolet C60L Office Lorry
IBG Models 72053 Chevrolet C15TA
IBG Models 72082 Bedford QL Refueller
IBG Models 72552 PZL P.11B Early