Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 120 Mantic products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Mantic products at least once a month.

Mantic MGKWM112 War in The Holds - Starter Set
Mantic MGKWK112 Abyssal Dwarf Army
Mantic MGKWE27-1 Elf Scout Regiment
Mantic MGKWM124 Chill of Twilight - Starter Set

Mantic - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 4 different Mantic products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Mantic MGKWM126 Kings Of War Command Dice
Mantic MGKWB201 Basilean War Wizard
Mantic MGKWO101 Orc War Drum
Mantic MGKWK77-1 Ba'su'su the Vile

Mantic - By Scale:

Mantic MGKWE102 Elf Mage Queen
Mantic MGKWR406 Trident Realm Knucker
Mantic MGKWV203 Nightstalker Butcher Fleshripper
Mantic MGKWM108 Game Token Set and Arc Template

Mantic - By Type of Product:

Mantic MGKWHF403 Halfling Howitzer
Mantic MGKWT403 Empire of Dust Monolith
Mantic MGKWO101 Orc War Drum
Mantic MGKWD90-1 Herneas the Hunter

Mantic - By Theme:

Mantic MGKWE27-1 Elf Scout Regiment
Mantic MGKWN103 Forces of Nature Ambush Starter Set
Mantic MGKWS405 Salamander Lekelidon
Mantic MGKWO108 Riftforged Orc Army