Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 120 Mantic products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Mantic products at least once a month.

Mantic MGKWD401 Dwarf Steel Behemoth
Mantic MGKWO203 Orc Krudger on Gore
Mantic MGKWE27-1 Elf Scout Regiment
Mantic MGKWT104 Empire of Dust Mega Army

Mantic - By Scale:

Mantic MGKWV203 Nightstalker Butcher Fleshripper
Mantic MGTC159 Knowledge Nook
Mantic MGKWG202 Goblin King
Mantic MGKWN103 Forces of Nature Ambush Starter Set

Mantic - By Type of Product:

Mantic MGKWD60-1 Dwarf Bombard
Mantic MGKWHF402 Halfling Aeronauts
Mantic MGTC177 Bathroom & Kitchen
Mantic MGTC105 Wizard's Study

Mantic - By Theme:

Mantic MGKWL303 Northern Alliance Clansmen Regiment
Mantic MGKWR207 Trident Realm of Neritica Siren
Mantic MGTC105 Wizard's Study
Mantic MGKWV305 Twilight Kin Voidwranglers