Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 1012 Noch products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Noch products at least every 2 months.

The German company NOCH was founded 1911 in Glauchau (Saxon) by Oswald Noch, the great-grandfather of the current Managing Director.

The family concern that has been managed by the owners over generations has advanced together with the employees to a specialist in model landscaping.

The NOCH logo including the words "...wie im Original" obliges to manufacture realistic, life-like the original prototypes in nature.

NOCH offers more than 1.500 products for model building enthusiasts: terrain building, track construction, bridges and viaducts, portals, walls and arcades, scenery modelling with trees and bushes, structures, figures, vehicles and decoration items as well as model railway layouts.

Noch 34937 Tunnel Portal
Noch 60800 Scenery Starter Kit
Noch 60760 Abandoned Fountain + Tree
Noch 15069 Parcel Carriers

Noch - Special Offers:

At the moment we have 6 different Noch products on sale.

Special Offers are for a limited time only and / or while stock last.

Noch - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 38 different Noch products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Noch 14384 Medieval Stall
Noch 14383 Souvenir Stall
Noch 60852 Lake Film - Transparent
Noch 36532 Sitting People

Noch - New Releases:

At the moment we have 21 recent and/or upcoming releases listed from Noch.

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your watchlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

Noch 15947 Sexy Carwash
Noch 35050 Construction Workers
Noch 15566 Graffiti Sprayers
Noch 15552 Wheelchair Drivers

Noch - By Scale:

Noch 58273 Granite Wall - Extra Long
Noch 17871 Cyclist
Noch 34204 Federal Road, Grey, Curve x 2
Noch 13220 Cabbage Turnip

Noch - By Type of Product:

Noch 14620 Small Footbridge
Noch 71180 Noch Catalogue 2018
Noch 21530 Plantation Trees
Noch 14233 Railing

Noch - By Theme:

Noch 14308 Shed
Noch 61130 Grass Glue
Noch 00410 Meadow Mat Spring, 12 mm.
Noch 68022 Fruit Tree