Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 55 Orion products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Orion products at least every 6 months.

Orion 72002 Chechen Rebels
Orion 72048 Soviet Assault Group 1945
Orion 72069 Hungarian Tank Crew 1
Orion 72001 English Pirates x 44

Orion - By Scale:

Orion produces figure sets in 1:72 sale only:

Orion 72011 1st Red Cavalry
Orion 72012 Israeli Army 1
Orion 72019 Medieval Siege Troops
Orion 72013 Ukrainian Foot Cossacks

Orion - By Type of Product:

Orion 72051 Vietnam War ARVN Troops
Orion 72050 WWII USA Tank Crew x 48
Orion 72010 Turkish Janissaries
Orion 72055 Turkish Cavalry (Deli) x 12

Orion - By Theme:

Orion 72005 Gladiators
Orion 72067 Japanese Tank Crew WW2
Orion 72041 Soviet Artillery Crew
Orion 72040 Modern Israeli Army (Set 2)