Our catalogue contains 871 Preiser products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.
The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Preiser products at least every 4 months.
The catalogue exceeds more than 3000 different sets in 17 scales. Not everything has been listed on this website yet.
Preiser Stock / Orders
The Mini-Kiwiland Shop buys directly from Preiser since 2016.
Around only 43% of the catalogue is actually in stock at Preiser. It seems that Preiser only starts reproducing sold-out products when they have enough new orders. This could take a few months, but also years. In worst case Preiser will decide not to reproduce and will discontinue an item.
About Preiser
Preiser is world leader when it comes to model figures for modellers. Besides the impressive range of products Preiser is also known for its high quality.
The Preiser company was founded in 1949. Initially the figures were carved by hand from wood, but since the sixties they are made of plastic. All figures are carefully assembled and painted by hand.
Paul M. Preiser GmbH is a traditional German family business that produces realistic miniatures in 13 different scales.
The detailed figures are used for architectural models and model train layouts as well as in advertising and art.
The medium-sized company is now run in the third generation and has two locations in Germany and one in Mauritius. The main markets besides Germany are France, the Benelux countries, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Japan.