Our catalogue contains 1106 Vallejo products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.
The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Vallejo products at least once a month.
The first Vallejo products arrived in stock in August 2020.
Vallejo is among the best known and most popular brands in model making paint.
The Vallejo Company was established in 1965, in New Jersey, U.S.A. In the first years the company specialized in the manufacture of Film Color, waterbased acrylic colors for animated films (cartoons).
In 1969 the company moved to Spain; in those years many important cartoon studios were based in Europe. The special qualities and unique formula of Film Color soon became known, and the product was used by most of the important studios on the continent.
In 1972 Amadeo Vallejo developed Acrylic Artist Color, the first acrylic for fine arts manufactured in Spain, and one of the first acrylic colors for artists produced in Europe.
At present Acrylicos Vallejo exports to more than 55 countries, and the AV colors comply with all the security and environment regulations in force in the European Common Market and the United States.
A few of the Vallejo product lines are:
Xpress Colors
Model Color
Model Air
Game Color
Game Air
Weathering Effects
Surface Primers
Model Wash