Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Warcradle Studios

Our catalogue contains 95 Warcradle Studios products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Warcradle Studios products at least every 4 months.

First shipment arrived in May 2021.

NOTE: Many products still need to be listed on this website.

Warcradle Studios publishes games set within the Dystopian Age, including Wild West Exodus, Dystopian Wars & Armoured Clash. Recently, they have also been undertaking new projects based on exciting new ideas such as Mythos, as well as bringing well-known franchises to life.

Their product range is:

* Wild West Exodus
* Mythos
* Warcradle Scenics
* Dystopian Wars
* Warcradle Classics

Warcradle Studios WEX121111008 Willa Shaw
Warcradle Studios WEX111013006 Hex Cutthroats and Gunmen
Warcradle Studios WEX111115000 Frontier Outriders
Warcradle Studios WSA890009 Rio Sonora - Arcade C

Warcradle Studios - By Scale:

Warcradle Studios WEX171099006 Court of the Nazombu Posse
Warcradle Studios WSA520003 Retribution - Theater
Warcradle Studios WEX121099001 No Surrender! Posse
Warcradle Studios WEX201113020 Booby Traps

Warcradle Studios - By Type of Product:

Warcradle Studios MTH10001 Custos Crypta Faction Starter Set
Warcradle Studios WEX111099002 Confederate Rebellion Posse
Warcradle Studios WSA850009 Dunsmouth - Traders' Gear
Warcradle Studios WEX121015001 Union Fire Team

Warcradle Studios - By Theme:

Warcradle Studios WEX101013008 Constructed Henchmen
Warcradle Studios WEX991399032 Red Oak Town House
Warcradle Studios WEX991399024 Red Oak Cat House
Warcradle Studios WEX111115005 Confederate Blackhoof Scouts