Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

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Garden Railway

Woodland Scenics

Our catalogue contains 574 Woodland Scenics products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

Woodland Scenics is based in the USA and manufactures model scenery and educational arts and crafts.
The company was founded in 1975 by David Osment. The first catalogue featured 28 products consisting of tree kits, foliage and turf material and stumps

Woodland Scenics C1247 Shelf Rock Mold
Woodland Scenics FS624 Static Grass Straw 7mm
Woodland Scenics C1275 Medium Brown Talus
Woodland Scenics AS5550 Rocky's Road Repair

Woodland Scenics - Special Offers:

Woodland Scenics - By Scale:

Most Woodland Scenics products can be used for all scales. A wide range of products is made for specific scales like HO, N, G and O Scale. Just a small selection has been listed on this website so far:

Woodland Scenics AS5546 Pit Stop
Woodland Scenics A2131 Train Personnel
Woodland Scenics A2147 Train Mechanics & Tools
Woodland Scenics A1936 Wash Day Getaway

Woodland Scenics - By Type of Product:

Woodland Scenics BR5053 Dugan's Paint Store - Ready Made
Woodland Scenics C1193 Plaster Cloth Sheets
Woodland Scenics FC1648 Bushes Forest Green Shaker
Woodland Scenics FC148 Bushes Forest Green

Woodland Scenics - By Theme:

Woodland Scenics C1274 Fine Brown Talus
Woodland Scenics B1382 Gray Medium Ballast Shaker
Woodland Scenics B83 Cinders Medium Ballast
Woodland Scenics AS5559 Sparky & The Chief