Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 535 Zvezda products. On this page you can browse the catalogue by scale, type, theme and price.

The Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop receives shipments of Zvezda products at least once a month.

The first shipment with Zvezda products arrived in January 2020. This was more to see to what extent there was demand for it. It turned out to be a success, which means that we have been able to receive monthly shipments with Zvezda products since June 2020.

From January 2021, all available 1:100 scale vehicles will always be kept in stock as well as all available 1:72 scale figures sets (6000 and 8000 series). Sold out items will automatically be re-ordered.

In October 2021 the Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop decided to 'standard stock' the entire Zvezda catalogue.

Zvezda LLC is a leading manufacturer of scale model kits and board games in Russia since 1990.

The company was founded in 1990 by a group of modeling enthusiasts led by Konstantin Krivenko. They were driven by the idea of turning their hobby into a profession and offering the product that was seriously lacking on the Russian market at the time. In 1993, Zvezda won an investment competition and acquired a production facility, the Lobnya Plastic Toy Factory. The company made an equipment upgrade at the factory and built a brand new production store. This is where the main production capacity is located, allowing Zvezda to continuously expand and improve its product range.

Their philosophy is to develop and design all of their products in house. Plastic moulding, packing and warehousing are all done in the Lobnya factory near Moscow. This system guarantees the constantly high quality of their products.

Zvezda 8035 Saxon Cuirassiers
Zvezda 7411 Soviet Machine-Gun
Zvezda 3630 Russian Howitzer MSTA-S
Zvezda 6284 StuG IV

Zvezda - Special Offers:

At the moment we have 1 Zvezda product on sale.

Special Offers are for a limited time only and / or while stock last.

Zvezda - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 21 different Zvezda products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Zvezda 8068 Spartans
Zvezda 8059 Medieval Peasant Army
Zvezda 8062 Russian Foot Warriors
Zvezda 8053 French Infantry - 100 Years War

Zvezda - By Scale:

Zvezda 6514 Black Swan
Zvezda 6273 M-3 Scout Car
Zvezda 8071 Prussian Grenadiers
Zvezda 6119 German Tank Pz.Kp.fw III G

Zvezda - By Type of Product:

Zvezda 3665 Modern Russian Infantry
Zvezda 3677 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV
Zvezda 8018 Lifeguards Cossacks 1812-1814
Zvezda 6810 French Foot Artillery

Zvezda - By Theme:

Zvezda 8031 Carthagenian Numidian Cavalry
Zvezda 8069 Scythian Cavalry
Zvezda 5011 IS-2 Stalin
Zvezda 3585 German Halftrack Crew