Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Special Hobby

Special Hobby SH72299 N-3PB - Norway
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N-3PB "Little Norway service"

Unpainted kit set

The kit features three grey styrene runners and one with the clear parts. Some of the smaller parts were created using our advanced CAD design and a metallic insert in the standard moulds will assure their best possible quality. Among those 3D-designed parts is also the beaching gear. The photo-etched fret takes care of some interior detail, water rudders and mooring points.

This offering comes with exactly the same runners and set of brass parts as the previous model of the Northrop N-3PB (SH72250). The difference is in the decal sheet which now features three different machines that were operated in Little Norway and flew with Norwegian markings in the form of stripes in Norway´s national colours.

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$ 37.90

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