Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Oxford Diecast

Oxford Diecast 76VOL02CL Volvo FH Curtainside Lorry
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Volvo FH Curtainside Lorry Marstons

If you are a beer drinker you will know exactly what Marstons Pedigree is! Brewed by genuine craft brewers, Pedigree is the last remaining beer still brewed using the oak Burton Union System which means it is fermented in wood, using specially selected hops, mineral enriched Burton water and malted barley. The result is a beer with unique taste and flavour.

To celebrate this amazing brew, Oxford has taken the distinctive Marston Pedigree livery for the second release on their Volvo FH 6 wheel curtainside lorry, which is registered MX08 CXV.

Decorated in a dramatic black with silver grey roof and rear tail lift, the graphics are printed in red, white and gold graphics with, the sides and rear of the trailer advocating enthusiasts Live a Life of Pedigree. The all-black cab features the same slogan across the top of the radiator grille. For collectors of brewery vehicles, this is a real treat.

In Collections: 1

On Watchlists: 1

$ 44.90

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