Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Faller 120143 Water Tower
(Click image to enlarge)



Haltingen Water Tower

A beautiful old water tower with spherical container and filigree steel girder construction. Shack as entrance to the pumping station, well cover and vent pipes are included. Constructed in 1908, the prototype with its 500 m³ container stands at Haltingen near the Swiss border.

This building kit contains: 52 single parts in 4 colours and 1 construction instruction.

Dimensions: Ø 99
H: 235 mm
89 x 47 x 41 mm

In Collections: 0

On Watchlists: 0

$ 54.90

Out of stock. The price of new stock may vary depending on the exchange rates, freight, and change in manufacturer's price. You can add this item to your watchlist if you want to receive the latest updates of this product like new arrivals and special offers.

Faller 120143 Water Tower
(Click image to enlarge)

Faller 120143 Water Tower
(Click image to enlarge)