Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 1178 products in a scale of 1:43. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by brand, type, theme or price.

- O SCALE - Special Offers

At the moment we have 90 different products on sale (1:43 scale). Items on sale are for a limited time only or while stock lasts.

Atlas Editions EY06 Batmobile - Detective Comics #156
Hachette HL42 Eicher Konigstiger EM 300 1960
Atlas Editions EY18 Batman Animated Series
Hachette HL49 Lanz D2016 Tractor 1955

- O SCALE - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 8 different products in stock (1:43 scale). Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Heller 80153 Austin Mini
Atlas Editions EY72 Batman - World Finest Comics #77
Atlas Editions EY54 Batman Legends Of The Dark Knight
Atlas Editions EY10 Batmobile - Batman #311

- O SCALE - By Brand

Norev 420177 Nissan Laurel 2000 1972
Centauria PE028 Ferrari 488 Challenge
Atlas Editions MK20 Ferrari F12
Atlas Editions HD61 Maserati 300 S 1955

- O SCALE - By Type

Hachette MR131 Lanz D 7506 Allzweck-Bulldog 1939
Atlas Editions 47158 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti
Atlas Editions JQ26 Chevrolet Opala 1971
Atlas Editions DY079 Range Rover Sport

- O SCALE - By Theme