Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 421 products in a scale of 1:48. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by brand, type, theme or price.

- Special Offers

At the moment we have 6 different products on sale (1:48 scale). Items on sale are for a limited time only or while stock lasts.

Italeri 2817 MiG-27 - MiG-23BN Flogger
Dragon 5545 Fw190A-7 with Slipper Tank
Airfix A08109 Canadair Sabre F.4
Airfix A75010 Afghan Single Storey House

- Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 6 different products in stock (1:48 scale). Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Italeri 2816 Mirage III E
Airfix A04104A de Havilland Tiger Moth
1ManArmy 48GEN504 RAF 30 Inch Code Letters
1ManArmy 48GEN503 RAF 24 Inch Code Letters

- New Releases

At the moment we have 32 recent and/or upcoming releases listed (1:48 scale).

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your watchlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

Eduard 84198 Spitfire Mk. Vb Early
ICM 48320 B-26B Marauder
Hobby 2000 48032 Douglas A-4C Skyhawk
Hobby 2000 48031 Douglas A-4B Skyhawk

- By Brand

Zvezda 4821 Russian Aircraft YAK-130
Eduard 8136 Fokker D. VII OAW
ICM 48080 RAF Pilots in Tropical Uniforms
Airfix A06101A Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk.22/24

- By Type

Zvezda 4813 Russian Mi-35M Helicopter
MiniArt 49001 US Fuel Drums 55 Gal
Zvezda 4830 Russian KA-52 Alligator
HobbyBoss 80379 Messerschmitt Me 262 B-1a/U1

- By Theme