Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

OUR 1:56 (28 MM) PAGE

Our catalogue contains 1075 products in a scale of 1:56. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by brand, type, theme or price.

- 28 MM - Special Offers

At the moment we have 7 different products on sale (1:56 scale). Items on sale are for a limited time only or while stock lasts.

Ziterdes 6012570 Iron World Straight Trench Section
Ziterdes 6012572 Iron World Trench T-section
Ziterdes 6012571 Iron World Trench Corner 90°
Ziterdes 6012573 Iron World Trench End x 2

- 28 MM - Recently Arrived

In the past few weeks we received 50 different products in stock (1:56 scale). Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Warlord Games 402215505 French Resistance Sniper Team
Warhammer 40K 46-46 Aeldari - Fire Dragons
Warhammer 40K 46-18 Aeldari - War Walkers
Warhammer 40K 46-53 Aeldari - Phoenix Lord Fuegan

- 28 MM - New Releases

At the moment we have 15 recent and/or upcoming releases listed (1:56 scale).

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your watchlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

Warhammer 40K 46-52 Aeldari - Phoenix Lord Baharroth
Wargames Atlantic WAAGW005 German MG-08 Crews 1914-1918
Wargames Atlantic WAAAC002 Foot Serjeants 1100-1320
LOTR SBG 30-92 Wulf Tribes and General Targg

- 28 MM - By Brand

Warhammer 40K 56-49 T'au Empire - Krootox Rampagers
Victrix VGR005 Rise of Eagles - Rulebook
Ziterdes 6012560 Iron World Bridge
Victrix VXA040 Dacians

- 28 MM - By Type

Warhammer AoS 80-16 Getting Started With Age Of Sigmar
Warlord Games 693015007 Armoured Onna-Bugeisha
Gamezone 10-02 Female Warrior
Warlord Games 402212104 Chindit Section

- 28 MM - By Theme