Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 275 Boats products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, theme and price.

BOATS - Special Offers:

Fujimi 451626 Nagato Battleship
Fujimi 451640 Akizuki Destroyer
Italeri 5625 Schnellboot S-26/S-38
Revell 05179 Class 119 (Z1/Z5) Destroyer

BOATS - New Arrivals:

In the past few weeks we received 3 different Boats products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

BOATS - New Releases:

At the moment we have 3 recent and/or upcoming releases listed from Boats.

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your wishlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

BOATS - By Scale:

Warlord Games 792413001 Black Seas - Santissima Trinidad
Trumpeter 05798 HMS Barham 1941
Artitec 387.143 Rowing Boat
Revell 05040 Battleship Bismarck

BOATS - By Brand:

HobbyBoss 83401 USS Arizona
Revell 05239 Tug Boat Smit Houston
HobbyBoss 86515 USS Hawaii CB-3
Heller 56995 LCVP with Figures Starter Kit

BOATS - By Theme:

Zvezda 9017 Russian Missile Cruiser Petr Velikiy
Warlord Games 742412052 USS Idaho
Noch 16820 Motorboat
HobbyBoss 83407 USS Bonhomme Richard LHD-6