Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 92 Brushes products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, theme and price.

BRUSHES - New Arrivals:

In the past few weeks we received 17 different Brushes products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

 AMIG8717 Conical Ø1 Brush
 AMIG8716 Conical Ø2 Brush
 AMIG8715 Conical Ø3 Brush
 AMIG8714 2 Pincel Marta Kolinsky

BRUSHES - By Brand:

AMMO by Mig AMIG8715 Conical Ø3 Brush
AMMO by Mig AMIG8705 8 Precision Pigment Brush
AMMO by Mig AMIG8620 4 Synthetic Flat Brush
Army Painter GM1006 Character Brush Set