Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 177 Buses products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, theme and price.

BUSES - Special Offers:

Hachette ACBUS070 Renault TN4F France 1940
Atlas Editions JB18 Burlingham Seagull - Ribble
Hachette PD021 Neoplan NH22 Skyliner 1983
Hachette ACBUS069 Berliet PLR 8 MU France 1956

BUSES - New Arrivals:

In the past few weeks we received 1 product in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

BUSES - By Scale:

Oxford Diecast NWFL001 Weymann Fanfare Southdown
Brekina 61302 Greyhound Scenicruiser 1956
Oxford Diecast NUT003/1 Guy Arab Utility
Hachette ACBUS080 Saviem E7 L Bus Canada 1970

BUSES - By Brand:

Walthers 949-11701 School Bus
Oxford Diecast 76OWB014 Bedford OWB
Oxford Diecast NMW6001 Bristol MW6G
Oxford Diecast 76DC004 Duple Commander II

BUSES - By Theme:

Oxford Diecast NOB006 Bedford OB Coach
Atlas Editions JE27 Fiat 306/3 Interurbano 1972
Oxford Diecast 76WFL003 Weymann Fanfare
Oxford Diecast 76RM113 Routemaster