Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 4222 Figures products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, theme and price.

FIGURES - Special Offers:

Atlas Editions VMffR003G French Sanitary Soldier
Preiser 45070 Student on Bicycle
Preiser 44913 Modern Lumberjacks (2)
Busch 7982 Installing a Satellite Dish

FIGURES - New Arrivals:

In the past few weeks we received 12 different Figures products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

Busch 151674 Industrial Mechanics
Busch 48087 US Pilots & Ground Personnel
Busch 3627 German Infantry 1941-1942
Busch WAARN003 Conquistador Cavalry

FIGURES - New Releases:

At the moment we have 3 recent and/or upcoming releases listed from Figures.

Tip: Place upcoming releases on your wishlist and you'll be the first to know when the new product arrives in stock. You will receive a notification by e-mail without any obligations.

FIGURES - By Scale:

Strelets 128 Norman Train
Preiser 44907 Standing Women
ICM 48082 Luftwaffe Pilots and Personnel
Strelets M092 Turkish Infantry in Summer x 48

FIGURES - By Brand:

HobbyBoss 84418 German 20mm Flak 38 crews
ICM 35722 WWI German Infantry In Armor
Plastic Soldier WW2015006 US Infantry 1944-1945
Preiser 10698 Standing Youths

FIGURES - By Theme:

Red Box RB72013 Korean Guerrillas
MiniArt 35327 Tankmen Painting Camo
Warlord Games TT-WOE-Troll Erehwon: Ogre Huntress
A Call To Arms 19 Waterloo French Cuirassiers