Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Our catalogue contains 406 Tools products. On this page you can browse through the catalogue by scale, brand, theme and price.

TOOLS - Special Offers:

TOOLS - New Arrivals:

In the past few weeks we received 21 different Tools products in stock. Click on the button below for the full list. Only items still in stock are shown.

 AK10046 Weathering Pencils - Metallic
 AK10042 Weathering Pencils - Chipping
 71.199 Airbrush Cleaner 200ml
 70.401 Plastic Putty

TOOLS - By Scale:

Tamiya 87003 Plastic Cement 40ml
AMMO by Mig AMIG2040 Arming Putty - Classic
AMMO by Mig AMIG2034 Anti-Slip Paste - Black Color
Zap Glue PT-33 Slo-Zap - Thick CA 56g

TOOLS - By Brand:

AMMO by Mig AMIG2012 Sand & Gravel Glue
Mr. Hobby GT-62 Mr. Laplos 6000,8000
AK Interactive RC702 Real Colors Thinner 400ml
Zap Glue PT715 Zip Kicker - CA Accelerator

TOOLS - By Theme:

Mr. Hobby T-106 Leveling Thinner 110ml
AMMO by Mig AMIG8626 0.3 Airbrush Needle
Mr. Hobby SF-284 Mr. Surfacer 1000 40ml
Woodland Scenics C1199 Super Strength Plaster