First of all, best wishes and a healthy new year!
Let's all hope that the economy really picks up this year.
Sales of the Mini-Kiwiland Shop increased by 77 percent in 2024 compared to the previous year.
This may sound good, but 2024 was the first full year in the new location and costs have unfortunately more than doubled.
Further growth is therefore necessary to make the Mini-Kiwiland Shop profitable again.
2023 was a disastrous year after the eviction from the previous location. See newsletter 167.
The current location near the shopping center was the only option. It is a lot better than the previous building, but not ideal. It is on the first floor, which is a big problem for some customers. Deliveries can also be problematic. Especially when pallets arrive. The size of the showroom is also smaller than needed, which makes displaying stock difficult.
It was uncertain whether the Mini-Kiwiland Shop could continue to exist after the eviction. All orders from suppliers had to be cancelled, while a large pallet shipment from Europe was about to leave.
Because the move was very time-consuming and expensive, it took a long time before a new European sea shipment could leave again. More than half a year after the move.
The chaotic and expensive move meant that the new showroom had to open without it being ready. This led to great disappointment and bad first impressions from many visitors with high expectations.
The demand from visitors in the showroom turned out to be completely different from that of the webshop. The selection in the showroom had to be adjusted and also what and how stock could be displayed. This also turned out to be time-consuming and expensive.
New Brands
Nevertheless, I have managed to add more than 20 new brands since the move. Brands like 1ManArmy, ACE Models, Kinetic, ICM, Hobby2000, Dark Alliance, Excel Tools, Fujimi, Kotare, Master Box, Metal Earth, Milliput, Molotow, MPC, Special Hobby, Takom, Warhammer, Zap etc.
My goal remains to be able to offer a wide range for a reasonable price.
The ideal situation for reasonable prices is to arrange regular sea shipments from the UK, Europe, Asia and America.
Currently this is only financially possible from the UK and Europe. In 2024 only 2 sea shipments arrived from the UK and only 2 from Europe.
In 2025 this should be increased to 4 shipments from the UK and monthly sea shipments from Europe.
In addition to the sea shipments, monthly air shipments will of course still arrive from various brands like it did in 2024.
Sea shipments from Asia and America are currently not financially feasible. All sea shipments must be prepaid, which requires an investment of over $100,000 for all. Loans for this type of investment are only possible again with profitability and a better economy, which I don’t expect until 2026.
My apologies for this!
Feedback on how you think the Mini-Kiwiland Shop can be improved is always welcome.
I have received a lot of this in the past, which has been very helpful.
Many thanks for all your support!
Here are just 6 examples of recently arrived Kovozavody kits:
For more information please visit our Kovozavody page.