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Zvezda 7295 SU-27SM Flanker B
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Russian air superiority fighter Su-27SM Flanker B mod. 1

Unpainted kit set, 210 parts, 314 mm long

Su-27SM fighter aircraft can attack ground targets with its high-precision weapons. The aircraft are fitted with new engines which provide significantly longer life and higher power, their equipment and weapons systems were improved, the cockpit ergonomics are at up-to-date standards. The fighter can be armed the laser-guided air-to-air, air-to-surface and other missiles, as well as guided aerial bombs.

On Watchlists: 1

$ 57.90

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Zvezda 7295 SU-27SM Flanker B
(Click image to enlarge)

Zvezda 7295 SU-27SM Flanker B
(Click image to enlarge)