Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Noch 14391 Christmas Market Entry Arch
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Christmas Market Entry Arch

The NOCH “Christmas Market Entry Arch” among the Laser-Cut minis is ideal for adding even more lovingly designed details to any Christmassy scene on a model landscape. People like to go to the Christmas market in the Advent season to really soak up the Christmassy atmosphere. Amble through the lovingly designed Christmas market stalls with your loved ones and enjoy a warm mulled wine in the icy cold. The “Christmas Market Entry Arch” extends a hearty welcome to all visitors to the market, its bright lights beaming high up into the snowy skies. You’re guaranteed to get into the Christmas spirit here. People’s hearts are filled with treats, drinks, Christmas presents, a hearty meal and much more. Bring this idyllic Christmassy spirit to your model layout and conjure up a great wintery scene in the lead-up to Christmas. A calming atmosphere is guaranteed.

On Watchlists: 1

$ 21.90

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