Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

AMMO by Mig Jimenez

AMMO by Mig Jimenez AMIG8839 CREATE CORK Medium (2mm) x 2
(Click image to enlarge)



CREATE CORK Medium Grain (2mm) x 2

They can be used to simulate stones, bricks, cobblestones, various types of terrain and many other scenic elements.

It is very easy to work with and can be cut with scissors, a blade, or even torn by hand. Use Ultra Glue (A.MIG-2031) or Instant Cyanoacrylate Dry (A.MIG-8046) to glue the pieces together or in place. You will be also able to apply modelling putties or clays over the surface as well as any kind of paint.

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$ 5.90

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