The package size of this product has not yet been entered in our database. In this way, the website cannot calculate the shipping costs. Please contact us to request an update.
FLAT RATE for the Wellington Region & Palmerston North: $5.90 ($11.60 Rural). Regardless size, weight and quantities.
We do not ship outside New Zealand.
Size of shipping parcels we use
When buying multiple items you can estimate whether you need to pay extra postage costs or not by comparing the size of the products and the size of the shipping parcels we use:
Wellington Region, Levin + Palmerston North City
Any size, weight and quantities
$5.90 - Urban
$11.60 - Rural
Rest of North Island
External: 235 x 130 x 70 mm
Internal: 230 x 121 x 68 mm
$7.50 - Urban
$12.00 - Rural
All parcels bigger than DLE Box
$11.50 - Urban
$17.00 - Rural
South Island
External: 235 x 130 x 70 mm
Internal: 230 x 121 x 68 mm
$7.50 - Urban
$12.00 - Rural
South Island Bag
External: 310 x 225 x 143 mm
Internal: 305 x 220 x 138 mm
$13.50 - Urban
$19.00 - Rural
South Island Box
External: 430 x 310 x 70 mm
Internal: 425 x 305 x 62 mm
$13.50 - Urban
$19.00 - Rural
Big Box 1
External: 430 x 310 x 190 mm
Internal: 425 x 305 x 185 mm
$22.00 - Urban
$27.50 - Rural
Big Box 2
External: 430 x 310 x 380 mm
Internal: 425 x 305 x 375 mm
$34.00 - Urban
$39.50 - Rural
All orders are always shipped tracked.
NOTE: Dimensions for Big Box 1 and Big Box 2 are maximum sizes. If the box is not be completely filled, we may use a slightly smaller box.