Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Noch 20191 Spruce Tree 220mm
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Spruce Tree 220mm

The Spruce Tree is mainly known for its stately large and impressive appearance in domestic forests and forest edges. This 22 cm high model brings the spruce, one of the tallest tree species in Europe directly into your model landscape.

This tree towers above many others with its slender, straight trunk and dense coniferous branches. In the wild, it reaches impressive heights and is a major feature of mountain and lowland forests. These tree characteristics are perfectly recreated in our handcrafted model down to the smallest detail. With up to 40 precisely crafted wires, NOCH has created each Master Tree Spruce to represent the typical structure and dense needle dress of this imposing tree. From the firmly rooted trunk to the finely branched tips..

Note: The NOCH Master trees are ideal not only for model railroaders of all gauges, but also to create bases, dioramas and landscapes. The sizes are interesting, for example, for military modeling scales 1:35, 1:48 and 1:72. Also suitable for car modelers of scales 1:24, 1:32 and 1:45!

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$ 32.90 In Stock (2 in stock)