Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Noch 58294 Culvert
(Click image to enlarge)



Culvert "Pipe"

2 Pipe Exhausts, 80 x 29 mm.
2 Wing Walls, 80 x 25 mm.

Culverts can be found on road and track embankments, paths and slopes. The pipe and the tunnel, presenting two special typical kinds, can now be modelled with the products from the popular structured hard foam range.

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$ 19.90

Out of stock. The price of new stock may vary depending on the exchange rates, freight, and change in manufacturer's price. You can add this item to your watchlist if you want to receive the latest updates of this product like new arrivals and special offers.

Noch 58294 Culvert "Pipe"
(Click image to enlarge)

Noch 58294 Culvert "Pipe"
(Click image to enlarge)

Noch 58294 Culvert "Pipe"
(Click image to enlarge)