Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Noch 58304 Signal Base, Small x 2
(Click image to enlarge)



Signal Base, Small

2 pieces
5x3.7cm, 3cm high
Size of Installation Surface: 3.3x3.1cm

The stonewalled signal base is very realistic and lightweight, made of premium structural hard foam. It is appropriate for signals with under floor compact drive. The signal base is ideal to combine with further items of the hard foam series »Steinmauer PROFI«. Furthermore, the hard foam items are very easy to work up with - e.g. cutting with a sharp carpet knife and sticking with hot glue.

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$ 19.90

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Noch 58304 Signal Base, Small x 2
(Click image to enlarge)

Noch 58304 Signal Base, Small x 2
(Click image to enlarge)