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AMMO by Mig Jimenez

AMMO by Mig Jimenez AMIG7416 RAF Fighters and Bombers
(Click image to enlarge)



RAF Fighters and Bombers

Set with 3 Panel Line Wash. 3 jars 35mL

Set for washes and defining panel lines of RAF fighters and bombers during World War II. Includes 3 colors from Panel Line Wash line, allowing us to easily outline these aircraft:

Colors included:

A.MIG-1609 PLW STORM GREY, perfect for grey bluish use in lower areas.
A.MIG-1614 PLW NEUTRAL BROWN, to panel Brown and Green colors of upper areas.
A.MIG-1615 PLW STONE GREY for Black, for green color.

In Collections: 0

On Watchlists: 0

$ 21.90

Out of stock. The price of new stock may vary depending on the exchange rates, freight, and change in manufacturer's price. You can add this item to your watchlist if you want to receive the latest updates of this product like new arrivals and special offers.

AMMO by Mig AMIG7416 RAF Fighters and Bombers
(Click image to enlarge)

AMMO by Mig AMIG7416 RAF Fighters and Bombers
(Click image to enlarge)