Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway

Army Painter

Army Painter CP3015 Colour Primer - Daemonic Yellow
(Click image to enlarge)


Brand : Army Painter

Catalogue number : CP3015

Barcode : 2530151111112

Type : Paint


Colour Primer - Daemonic Yellow

Attention! Orders for spray cans can only be picked up in Paraparaumu. Mail order is not possible at this stage.

This Colour Primer has a clear and crisp colour and is imminent for Space Marines, Daemons, Eldar, Lizards, Dragons or any army with a striking colour scheme. We advice a Soft Tone or Strong Tone Quickshade for maximum result.

* Saves time painting - Prime your model with your chosen base colour
* Precision nozzle and fast drying acrylic primer = Perfect coverage!
* 24 Colours, with a 100% matching Warpaint
* Leaves every detail on the miniature in excellent condition.

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$ 24.90 In Stock (Only 1 in stock)

Army Painter CP3015 Colour Primer - Daemonic Yellow
(Click image to enlarge)

Army Painter CP3015 Colour Primer - Daemonic Yellow
(Click image to enlarge)