Mini-Kiwiland Hobby Shop

Garden Railway
Garden Railway


Mantic MGKWE26-1 Palace Guard Regiment
(Click image to enlarge)



Palace Guard Regiment

The most experienced and skilled Elven warriors are drafted into the Palace Guard, where they swear their lives to the service of their lord. They wear the finest enchanted armour and fight with long glaives or two-handed blades, wielding them with impossible speed and elegance. A single warrior of the Palace Guard is a fierce enough opponent, but in formation with his comrades he is utterly deadly – they strike in perfect unison, bringing their weapons down upon their foes with uncanny precision.

This set contains twenty premium plastic Elf Palace Guard armed with a choice of weapons – there are options for glaives, two-handed axes or two-handed swords. The set also contains metal components to add a banner and musician.

20 Palace Guard including:

* Premium Plastic Elves
* Glaives
* Two-handed axes
* Two-handed swords
* Metal banner and musical instrument

Please Note: Models are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required

On Watchlists: 0

$ 52.90 In Stock (Only 1 in stock)